rosa mesa
Multidisciplinary artist

Here are some more of my latests pieces, more info at my blogs.
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The work was presented during Toronto Latin Film and Video Festival.
It talks about the dissapearance of many values in post of the hegemony of the economical ones. The piece was done over a period of five days, from 9 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon (working shift). I fill the walls of the galllry with lines, I am tired of counting.....Like a prisioner on a celd. The tediousness of the money prison.
The piece was presented at Kurt Forever in Sant Denis, Paris. The work talks about the destruction of symbols in contemporary society. The french flag, once a symbol of freedom, equal rights and brotherhood lies today as a forgotten messy reminder of the outrages policies against inmigrants in a time where FRance is doing a tremendous shift toward right wing policies.
This piece was performed during the Festival Cuerpo a Cuerpo in Spain, it is one of the three pieces from the serie I Hate White. The performance talks about brothers during civil war, about our responsability to find a voice to reividicate our rights and about how to react toward the violence that come from democratic institutions. In the gallery setting I drew some dartboards, I placed them around the wall and from a small box I brought out tomatoes that after a scream I throwed them to the audience...later I place myself ( with a dartboard over my body) in a place where the public could throw the rest of the tomatoes to me if they wanted, they certainly did.
This performance realized during the Accion MAD Festival in the Museo de Bellas Artes de Madrid is a performance that originates in a poem from John Donne that dates from the 16s and in which he makes a call to the interconnectedness of Humanity. This line was later use by Hemingway and it was the title of the film that talked about the Spanish Civil War.
In my piece I am interested in the resistance of the Spanish people to review their recent history, I make a plead for the need to connect to each other to begin a process of reflection of their History.