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rosa mesa
Multidisciplinary artist

Generating gender, 2014
Fifty shades of grey inspired because of its absurdity and chauvinistic portrait of the woman this performance. Using Judith Butler theorists about the performativity of gender the piece shows how integrated are our chauvinistic views in our minds.

Gone with the wind, 2012
Everybody knows the title of this film, its intensity has more to do with the historical moment that depicts that with the film itself. The background a deeply troubled society. The piece, an hibrid between, public intervention, performance and installation. It challenges the audience with the wind as the symbol of power and never ending energy. In the piece, strenght, desire and changes dialog to represent the option of change or innovation.
Poetry of the law, 2012
Parque de Santa Catalina, Las Palmas, SpainThe Spanish Constitution dates from 1978 but its origins, the Constitution of 1812 (La Pepa), has this year its two hundred anniversary. Laws are normally dry textes far from poesy, in this piece I transform the Universal Righrs of this Constitution in small poems that I will recite in the streets. Where begins the poetry, where ends the meaning and what is the law...In a time where civil and fundamental rights are been questioned.
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