rosa mesa
Multidisciplinary artist
Colour blind, 2019
Homogeneity has been celebrated in our culture as a concept that tries to simplify the existence of people by eradicating the difference. It uses fear as a tool of work and punishes those who challenge the status quo. Gloria the character of which this piece is born is destroyed by its daring, an intercultural and interreligious love. The search for his desire and his curiosity embodied in "a foreigner", face not only his own anxiety generated by the unknown but also the emotional burden of abandoning your beliefs and being abandoned by your loved ones. The fight against the status quo. Galdós puts hope, at the end of the work in the future, reminding that more Glories will fall. At this time of nationalism and populism, Galdós's work vindicates resistance and sacrifice By trying unsuccessfully to embrace the difference.
Performance piece basesd in Galdós novel "Gloria"
Nuestra cultura ha celebrado la homogeneidad como un concepto que intenta simplificar la existencia de las personas erradicando la diferencia. Utiliza el miedo, como herramienta de trabajo y castiga a los que retan el status quo. Gloria el personaje del que nace esta pieza es destruida por su atrevimiento, un amor intercultural e interreligioso. La búsqueda de su deseo y su curiosidad encarnadas en “un extranjero”, se enfrentan no sólo su propia ansiedad generada por lo desconocido sino también a la carga emocional que supone abandonar tus creencias y ser abandonada por tus seres queridos. La lucha contra el status quo. Galdós pone la esperanza, al final de la obra en el futuro, recordándonos que caerán más Glorias. En esta época de nacionalismos y populismos la obra de Galdós reivindica la resistencia y el sacrificio intentando infructuosamente abrazar la diferencia.
Performance basada en la obra de Galdós "Gloria"